It features CBS, Fox, NBC, Food Network, Comedy Central, MTV over Apple TV but lacks ABC, ESPN, HBO and AMC. iPad app plans already exist, but content may be more limited. There is no limit “recording space”, though every program “recording” will be available online (I take this is no recording but rather access to their programs in their servers) and will be available for only 28 days. Content will be available to users up to 3 days after firstly aired without requiring record set up.
Subscrition prices are revealed to be $30 in the USA. Sony plans to extend the service in terms of partners and devices, eventually going beyond Playstation and maybe Sony familly of hardware.īeta starts this month in New York for selected users and will be extended in the USA in the first quarter of 2015. It promises a “personalized, searchable approach to watching live and on-demand television” and will begin with 75 channels, being a subscription-based service which pricing is yet to be disclosed. Sony finally anounced its long expected its web-based TV for the Playstation Familly (making Playstation TV a concurrent of of other Apple TV-like devices).